From exotic locations to incredible wildlife to epic adventures, traveling the world is a dream for so many. But for us, the answer to why we travel goes so much deeper than that.
Our latest adventure together brought us to Kasanka National Park in Zambia. The annual bat migration is one of the most incredible and magical things you’ll ever see. To add to the experience, Dani had just completed a memorable visit to Victoria Falls. At the same time, Matt was coming off a bucket list safari at South Luangwa National Park.
Not surprisingly, the trip cemented a really great friendship over the deep passion we share for adventure, the outdoors, and nature. Now, we’ve teamed up to share our those passions, knowledge, and experiences with you.
Our Names are Dani and Matt. It’s Nice to Meet You.
Welcome to Pangea, our blog about responsible travel for people who share our passion for adventure, the outdoors, and nature. We’ve got nearly 30 years of combined travel experience, much of it solo. Between the two of us, our adventures have taken us to nearly every continent, as well as 49 of the 50 US States.
What really separates us from other travel bloggers, though, is how perfectly our experiences and skillsets compliment each other. It gives us an incredible wealth of knowledge to share with you, all while staying within our niche. Whether you’re looking to travel solo or together, internationally or domestically, or from the female or male perspective, we’ve got you covered from every angle.

Our mission is to inspire you to travel the world responsibly, get out in nature, and expand your horizons. We hope to become the leader in ethical travel that inspires you to adventure responsibly and build inclusive communities both at home and abroad. We look forward to connecting and sharing this journey with you.
Travel is About So Much More Than the Adventure
It’s an incredibly satisfying journey of self-discovery. Travel educates you in ways textbooks, lectures, and day-to-day life simply can’t. It makes you a more understanding, well-rounded, and ultimately better person. You’ll learn things about yourself you never thought were possible. Step out of your comfort zone. Learn a new skill. Try that new experience you’ve always been on the fence about. The last thing you want to do is look back later in life regretting that you didn’t take that first step.

We also believe in the importance of bringing those lessons and experiences home with you. Educate your own community and raise awareness for the causes you’re most passionate about. Building inclusive communities around the world opens your eyes to better understanding others. In addition, it ultimately helps connect and unite people around the world. That’s just part of the meaning behind “One World”, the first part of our tagline.
Pangea is not Your Typical Travel Blog
Take either one of us on our own and we’d most likely just disappear into the vast sea of travel bloggers. It’s when you put us together that we really stand out.

We Are Both Published Authors
We know the writing, editing, and publishing process because we’ve been through it. Having worked with publishers allows us to deliver the highest quality content to you.
So what have we written? Between the two of us, we have published books, manuscripts, and scientific papers. Interestingly, the publication that draws the most curiosity and intrigue is Matt’s journal article on meteotsunamis (weather-induced tsunamis), a project he got invoved in after a meteotsunami stuck his native Cape Cod back in 2013.
Let’s Create an Inclusive Community
We encourage you to maintain an open dialogue both with us as well as your fellow readers. The easiest way for you to join our community is to comment on our posts. Alternatively, you can get in touch with us through our contact page.
You’re Going to Enjoy Learning from Our Unique Teaching Style
Lecturing in front of a camera is boring. In fact, it’s really boring. Instead, how would you like to be virtually whisked off to destinations around the world to learn? Because that’s exactly how you’ll learn from us. We film our tutorials and lessons on location while traveling. That way, you can have a fun, engaging, and deeply fulfilling learning experience, all in a setting where you’ll actually use your new skills.

You’re Going to Have a Lot of Fun on this Journey. You’ll Laugh with Us. And at Times, You’ll Laugh at Us.

No matter what you’re doing, you’ve got to be able to have fun doing it. And that includes adventuring, blogging, and learning. We like to see the humor in all aspects of travel. Laughter is the best medicine, after all. As Jimmy Buffett once famously said, “if we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.” And while it’s never planned, it’s rare to go an entire trip without something that will leave you rolling on the floor laughing.
Furthermore, we’re humble and down to earth. We’re human. We have our own share of mishaps and blunders, just like you. There’s the time Matt was nearly detained by US Customs for bringing “a suspiciously large amount of hot sauce” back from Mexico. And we all remain utterly impressed someone as smart and experienced as Dani could pull off the wildly infamous brain cramp she had on the van ride up to Kasanka National Park. We’re not afraid to share our mistakes because they are our greatest teacher. You’ll never learn if you don’t make them.

You’re Going to Get a lot of Africa Content to Start
That’s mainly because we’ve both been traveling Africa this fall. While the fruit bat migration in Zambia was the main reason we went to Africa, we didn’t want to stop there. In Zambia alone, you’ll also hear about our adventures to Victoria Falls and the safari at South Luangwa National Park. If that’s not enough for you, you’ll also be able to experience Namibia, South Africa, Morocco, and beyond.
However, we understand that there is more to the world than just Africa. In the last year and a half or so, some of the other destinations our adventures have taken us include Mexico, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, Canada, the Middle East, and the Western United States. You’ve got plenty to look forward to.

Production of the Zambia Bat Videos Starts in January
Backed by popular demand, we are excited to announce that production of our Zambia bat videos will get underway in January. With Dani’s and the rest of the Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation team’s bat expertise, our goal is to produce a series that educates you about how valuable bats are, encourages you to get involved in future trips, and offer a collection of wonderful memories for everyone who was on the Zambia trip.

Thank You Again for Your Interest and Support
Any time you start a new chapter or journey is incredibly exciting. As we fully emerge from the shadows of the pandemic, this one is particularly special. Thank you again for your interest and support, and welcome to the Pangea community. We can’t wait to share this adventure of a lifetime with you! You’ve got one world and infinite adventures to look forward to. Where will your next one take you?
– Dani and Matt